This subsidy is offered to VSA clubs whose airfield is not visible to the road users or is difficult to find. Clubs are encouraged to ensure that their club and airfield is well sign posted at appropriate locations informing the public of the club and its operation. Signs should promote gliding as a sport and should be visible from a distance. The subsidy is limited to $500.00/club and can only be granted once to a club. It may well be that multiple signs are required so some thought to what is required is recommended.
1. Determine the location and content of the sign.
2. Seek and obtain Shire or Council or RTA approval to erect the signs. Strict conditions as to size, position, materials apply.
3. Obtain three quotes for the creation of the signs.
4. Forward the three quotes and drawings of the proposed sign to the VSA Secretary to process the subsidy.
5. Clubs may find erection of signs at their own cost makes this subsidy go further.
Victorian Soaring Association © 2021
Some images supplied by © 'Got that Shot' Images; Photography by John Absolon
Victorian Soaring Association © 2020